Jamestown Square Transit-Oriented Community Development
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Jamestown Square

Jamestown at 39th Apartments Under Construction

Jamestown Square: Knitting together student and workforce housing with access to healthcare and local business

Project At a Glance

Location Jamestown Square in Volker/Midtown
Anticipated Completion Date

Fall 2025

Current Status In Construction

Jamestown Square addresses the pressing need for housing and transportation access in one of the region's most dynamic areas.  The new 226-unit apartment complex sits at the nexus of Kansas City, Missouri's Volker neighborhood, the 39th Street retail and transit corridor, and the University of Kansas Medical Center.  This high-density multi-family complex is poised to improve mobility for KU Med students and employees, as well as surrounding residents and patrons.  Vehicle trips and associated congestion will be reduced while mobility alternatives, walkability, and public safety will all increase.

Led by the developer, the entire project team took a collaborative approach to community development which has resulted in improvements to both single-occupancy vehicle access and public transit infrastructure and availability.  Longstanding parking challenges are alleviated with the creation of a new public/private parking garage while transit-oriented development design elements leverage RideKC's 39th Street bus route, nearby rentable bicycles and scooters, and the pedestrian-friendly retail and commercial corridor.  The development would further benefit from a future potential KC Streetcar extension to the area.

  • 226 units adjacent to KU Medical Center to house medical students and employees
  • Emphasis on walkability and mobility choice for residents in one of Kansas City's most varied neighborhoods
  • Preservation of the 1918 Scotford Building, a 13-unit apartment complex once owned by Harry S. Truman
  • Enhanced transportation options and infrastructure, including public parking for area businesses, bus shelter, and bus operator restroom access

Development & Construction Impact

Transit Infrastructure Benefits

Transit shelter, information kiosk for bike storage, public transit rider parking, bus operator restroom access, EV station chargers

Sidewalk Enhancements


Additional Benefits

Rentable bicycles and scooters with greater walkability with expanded public and private parking garages.

Total Project Cost

$66.8 million

Total Number of Housing Units

226 units with a mix of studio, 1-bed, and 2-bed apartments

Economic Impact

Tax Revenue Before


Municipal Jurisdiction

Kansas City, MO 4th District

Tax Revenue After


Traffic Congestion

Reduced traffic congestion with multi-story parking garage on a surface parking lot for area businesses and restaurants; more mobility alternatives and increased walkability and public safety.

Ridership Projections

6,474 - 8,950

Short-term Economic Impact:

Dramatic increase in parking and multi-family housing.  Strategically activates unused land to address housing demand.

Long-term Economic Impact:

This higher density multi-family TOCD will provide for student and employee access to KU Medical Center across the street, reducing vehicle trips, increasing use of transit, walkability and mobility choices for residents, in turn lessening congestion, pollution and improving public safety.

Participating Organizations

KCATA: The market rate development enhances public parking for area retail and commercial, bus shelter and driver restroom access, including parking space set aside for the public transit rider.
Government: Planned Industrial Expansion Authority (PIEA); EZ
Developer: Milhaus
Architect: Helix; SixTwentyOne Architects